
This course is not intended to be, and cannot replace, therapy of any kind. Therefore, the reader is advised to accept and take out only those ideas they agree, and feel comfortable, with.
“The Power of Thankfulness” was written with the best intentions, and to enable anyone to live a happy and fulfilled life, but it is up to each individual whether or not they accept the ideas put forth. For instance, it may be a lot harder for readers with an unhappy or tragic childhood to accept some of the ideas discussed herein.
All advice in this course should be viewed as a source of inspiration for the reader in his/her quest towards finding out how to live his/her ideal life. Any ideas on health, medication and nutrition should be discussed with healthcare professionals, especially if the reader is taking medication or is on a specific diet for health reasons.
The author makes no warranties or guarantees in respect to the readers’ perceived improvement in his/her quality of life. Furthermore, the author and his affiliates accept no responsibility, and shall not be held liable for the actions, emotions or health (both mental and physical) of any individuals participating in the course, or any third parties of said individuals, nor for any loss or damages that may arise through the direct or indirect use or misuse of the information contained herein. The maximum liability in any case, for any party, shall be no more than the price the user paid for the course.
This course is sold subject to the condition that it shall not be resold, lent, hired out or used for anything other than your own private purpose. This course (or part thereof) may – under no circumstances whatsoever – be distributed through any means, or in any language by anyone other than the author/s and/or his/her affiliates.
While we do our best to provide you with the best possible service, we still cannot guarantee that it will be flawless, as the nature of the internet means there are too many factors outside of our control which can effect the delivery of our product to you. We do our utmost to make sure that there are no viruses or anything else which can cause side-effects on your computer. We cannot accept responsibility for what may happen to your computer, your applications and your files on said computer, due to your ordering of this course.

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