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9 entries.
Lisa Lisa from Hamilton wrote on November 23, 2021 at 3:45 am
I am thankful that already after only the first week that I am looking for the things I am thankful for every day.
I am thankful to have been made to think about my upbringing and how great it actually was.
I am thankful to have found this course.
I am thankful for everything that I have and the change in perspective I have.
Amy Amy wrote on April 27, 2020 at 9:28 am
I am so grateful for being asks the question would I swap to be anyone else.. to be so thankful for not wanting to be anyone else..

I am so thankful for a course like this to really help people in a meaningful way

I am so thankful for having the awareness from within and the help from others to observe what is really going on with my life and address Things in a really positive way

I am so thankful for the being brave enough to look deep within myself

I am so thankful for having a the opportunity to seek and feel deep inside my heart, how much my mum has cared for me and shown me such kindness through my whole life

I am so thankful for really taking the time to observe my thought about my past with my dad and finally see through all the inaccuracies of my perspective that my dad has shown nothing but love and kindness
Through out my whole life

I am so thankful to have the help in seeing more clearly about my past and how I will observe it in a totally different way
Michelle Michelle wrote on October 3, 2015 at 2:58 pm
I am thankful to have found this course and to be sharing its journey with someone I love.
I am thankful for all the gifts I have received in this life.
I am thankful for challenging times.
I am thankful for all my support during difficult periods in my life.
I am thankful for my superior health and my family's health.
I am thankful for all my teachers in this life and all the lessons I have learned.
I am thankful for all the money I have been given throughout my life.
I am thankful for my life.
I am thankful for my parents and my childhood.
I am thankful for my spirituality and my universal support.
Sasha Sasha wrote on August 29, 2011 at 10:22 pm
I am thankful that after only one week on the course my perception has changed - I feel calmer and more thankful about so many things...
I am thankful that my eyes now see the true colours of the trees, that my lungs feel the goodness of the pure air I breath, that I can feel my body responding in healthy ways to the foods I eat.
I am thankful that whenever I buy groceries the bill always seems so low!
I am thanful for ever increasing prosperity and generosity of Spirit.
I am thankful that I can now recognize opportunities when they present themselves.
I am thankful for the excitement I feel when I think of continuing with this course.
I am thankful that this week that I feel more open to offer healing to others because I feel more nourished in my own Spirit.
I am thankful that I was the one to nourish my Spirit and that I did not look to the outside world to do it for me.
I am deeply thankful for the feeling of hopefullness after such a long time of feeling the opposite.
Helene Helene wrote on July 18, 2011 at 3:13 am
I am thankful for seeing my uniqueness
I am thankful for seeing that everything without exception has made me who I am today
I am thankful for being me and for everything that comes with it
I am thankful for becoming aware that "yes, but.." also sometimes sneaks into my life as;"even though..." or "in spite of..." I am thankful for this awareness as these phrases only devalues life and does not serve me
I am thankful for starting to trust all the paths I have taken
I am thankful for realizing that it is never too late
I am thankful that through this course I will develop my potential
I am thankful for letting go and releasing past hurts and anger
I am thankful for moving forward
I am thankful for finding the ease in making dreams real
Tanya Tanya wrote on April 22, 2011 at 10:59 am
I am Thankful for my past & all it has taught me.
I am Thankful for this course & am really looking forward to a new way of thinking & being.
I am Thankful to my mother I know she has done her very best bringing us all up on her own.
I am Thankful for all the positive qualities she has taught me.
I am Thankful that I have a beautiful son who makes me smile.
I am Thankful for my life.
Caitlin Caitlin wrote on April 10, 2011 at 4:03 am
I am thankful for my past and how the power of thankfulness has allowed me to see the purpose of my past experiences and has given them value
I am so thankful of my parents' and really amazed how many positive attributes and traits I have gained from my parents'; they are plentiful and some of my most powerful positive qualities I have
I am thankful that I feel free especially from conditioned responses which became such a heavy burden
I am thankful I no longer feel responsible for others happiness, that everyone has the right to live their own lives, I am thankful I have the control to live my life how I please regardless of how other people would choose me to live
I am thankful for a deep continuous feeling of well being, after many retreats and meditations that have given me peace for sometime,it is a delight that with the power of thankfulness I am able to maintain this feeling of blissful living
I am thankful for the new way of relating to me family, friends & all that is!
Caitlin Caitlin wrote on April 8, 2011 at 11:35 pm
I am thankful for reclaiming my past as a positive experience, in gaining a perspective of purpose to my past
I am thankful for this amazing course so far and really want to help others be inspired to also take part
I am thankful for my renewed energy and ability to see the big picture in situations again
I am thankful that the inner peace garden is getting the work it requires so we can get this dream up and running, it is such a blessing to be a part of Pallas Concepts.
I am thankful for all I have now and all my experiences so far
I am thankful for being me
I am thankful new experience and a new way of living
I am thankful my eyes are seeing a different world which before I was blinded by
I am thankful for my parents for giving me such a good upbringing and there love and pride they have for me
I am thankful for my amazing family and how independent and loving they all are
I am thankful and grateful for this gorgeous planet and all is inhabitants
Alfred Pallas Alfred Pallas wrote on March 14, 2008 at 7:46 am
Welcome and congratulations on finishing your first week of "The Power Of Thankfulness"!
Can you see? There is not only light at the end of the tunnel, there is a new destination, a new purpose, a new life! (picture: Cathedral Cove, New Zealand)

You now have a further 11 weeks ahead of you and, above all, I hope you will carry this course through till the end.
It's nothing but habit. And creating a new habit usually takes about 21 days. In other words, after you have completed 3 weeks, there's a pretty good chance you will make it through till the 12th week.
If you ever feel like you want to give up, then you can usually assume that there's a realisation trying to make it's way into your consciousness - so just stick with it. After 12 weeks, you'll look back and see just how much you gained.

All the best,
Alfred Pallas