
If you search for psychoneuroimmunology, you’ll find countless articles and studies on this fascinating new field of research. Please note: These articles are just a selection of what’s online, and are for information only. They are not intended to imply endorsement of our course by the authors.
Prof. Dr. Roger Booth, at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, has found a direct correlation between dealing with the past (and having a sense of purpose) and how strong the person’s immune system is.

Here’s an excerpt of the article:
“We found that subjects assigned to write about personal traumatic events over four consecutive days developed significantly higher antibody levels against hepatitis B vaccine over the subsequent six months than did subjects assigned to write about trivial topics. In other work we have found differential effects on immune variables depending on whether people express or suppress their thoughts about upsetting issues.”

He goes on to say:
“The manner in which people handle emotional issues in their lives is known to affect their health. Our work suggests that emotional disclosure may influence immune responsiveness as well as having general health benefits.”

Here is an excerpt of an article from the National Center for Biotechnology Information, written by S.E. Taylor and his colleagues:
“Psychological beliefs such as optimism, personal control, and a sense of meaning are known to be protective of mental health. Are they protective of physical health as well? The authors present a program of research that has tested the implications of cognitive adaptation theory and research on positive illusions for the relation of positive beliefs to disease progression among men infected with HIV. The investigations have revealed that even unrealistically optimistic beliefs about the future may be health protective. The ability to find meaning in the experience is also associated with a less rapid course of illness. Taken together, the research suggests that psychological beliefs such as meaning, control, and optimism act as resources, which may not only preserve mental health in the context of traumatic or life-threatening events but be protective of physical health as well.”